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02.06.2013 14:42



Training Program Guidelines

No hype, no exaggeration, pure and simple, build muscle as fast as humanly possible. More specifically, build muscle as fast as humanly possible — week after week — until you see a body in the mirror that you barely recognize.

That's radical hypertrophy, bubba, and that's exactly what this program's all about.

I,BODYBUILDER came right out of a black-ops bodybuilding project that Tim Patterson and Christian Thibaudeau have been working on over the last year.

We've trained dozens of lifters with these techniques, and every single person was totally blown away.

Bottom line, these principles work just exactly as we said they would.

So now, with the release of this program, consider everything we promised in that article to have been delivered right smack into your hot little hands. Do the program, following these guideline to the letter, and you will, in fact, make your very best gains, ever.


High-Impact Video and Interactive Program Design

Instead of making you wade through 10,000 words to get the program details — and still have tons of questions — we're moving into a whole new realm, one that will deliver the information faster and much clearer, using three information-rich components:

High-Impact Video

You're going to see high-impact videos, showing every single workout of the program. To do this, we filmed all workouts in HD video, using three synchronized and stabilized cameras.

These workouts were real, not staged or rehearsed. The only thing edited out were the rest periods. We used experienced bodybuilders as subjects, and Christian Thibaudeau pushed them their limits on every set.

We want you to not only see exactly what we've been talking about, we want you to feel these workouts, just as if you were doing them. And these videos put you there. They're extremely fast-paced, and with the three camera angles, provide tons of information that you just can't see in person or deliver with the written word.

Interactive Workout Charts

Right below each workout video is an interactive workout chart where you can enter your training data and save it to your I,BODYBUILDER Training Log. Simply click the button at the bottom of the chart, and your formatted information is entered into the log.

You can also print out the workout and take it to the gym. A full description of each exercise is right there on the printout, making it real easy and convenient. Hit print and hit the gym.

(You have to be logged in to save the information, though.)

Extended Coaching Forum

Reading articles is very important, but long-term coaching is how training is taught best, and that's how we're going to do it here at TMUSCLE. So spend all the time you can in our Coaching Forums. You'll get all your answers there from the world-class experts who really know the facts.

The 2 Elements of Success

The I,BODYBUILDER Program is designed for advanced level and elite lifters. This doesn't mean that we don't want intermediate-level lifters participating, because we do. We want to encourage anyone who's serious, and who has enough lifting experience under his belt, to jump right in and get on the program.

So you be the judge. You want it? Go for it.

All of our advanced lifters know this next point, so this is old news for them. But using these methods requires just two elements for total success. Without these two elements, all bets are off. In fact, according to Christian Thibaudeau, without both of these elements, you will get nothing more than mediocre results at best, and more likely fail:

1. The Perfect Rep

You have to perform each rep of every set, using a very specific rep style and associated techniques. To be able to do this, you have to clearly understand all of the workout parameters of the high-threshold hypertrophy methodology. The rep style is by far the most important parameter. And ultimately, you have to go into the gym, and perform each rep perfectly, as if your life depended upon it.

2. The ANACONDA Protocol

If you want superhuman results, you have to train with superhuman intensity. And to do that, you have to utilize the ANACONDA Protocol. It's true. The ANACONDA Protocol is a painstakingly researched, peri-workout dosing plan that's designed to potentiate anabolic physiology to the point of superhuman responses when training at advanced levels.

Read what Christian Thibaudeau has to say about ANACONDA:

I,BODYBUILDER Program Overview

The I,BODYBUILDER Program is divided into 5 phases, 4 are body-part specific, and the fifth is a transition program:

Depending upon your progress, and the areas of weaknesses you need to work on, each phase can last between 2 and 4 weeks. But it's totally up to you when to move on to the next phase.

Regardless of the areas you want to focus on, please follow the order of the phases. In other words, don't skip a phase just because you don't think you need to work on, let's say, shoulders for example. Or don't change the order of the phases to meet your specific priorities.

The reason being, each phase is designed to build on the previous phase. And the overall design is based on providing the very best gains for all problem areas, including arms (which don't have their own phase).

We chose a body-part specialization approach because, if utilized in a comprehensive program, it's one of the most-effective ways to make the largest overall gains. In other words, emphasizing one major body part at a time — without neglecting the rest of the body — will lead to the greatest overall gains by the end of 12 weeks.

We know we've said this so many times, but the program works. We know it because we've tested it.

Anyway, just do what we ask, please, and don't screw up the order. And we mean this in the nicest way. Really.

NOTE: The program is going to be released in stages, with shoulders being first. The rest of the phases will be published over the next 10 weeks, one every two weeks.


Use "Feeler" Sets, not Warm-Ups

Traditional warm-up sets are counterproductive, whereas feeler (practice) sets are highly productive and effective at ramping up the nervous system and associated target muscle group.

As a general guideline, on your first exercise of a workout, or on any exercise where you don't feel adequately prepared for maximum effort, perform two feeler sets with 40% to 45% of your 1RM. Then go right into the working sets of the lift.

Rest Periods

Overall, you should keep the entire workout pace as brisk as possible without sacrificing rep quality and maximum performance. So, no matter what the suggested rest is on an exercise, understand that it's simply a guideline. The actual objective is to rest the least amount of time required to be able to give a maximum effort on each rep of the upcoming set.

If you actually timed the rest periods of our advanced lifters, they'd range between about 10 and 60 seconds on lighter sets, and 30 seconds to 120 seconds on heavier sets. On rare occasions, they might actually rest up to three minutes, but that's not very often.

Above all, never, ever look at a clock and count down time during rest periods. It totally kills workout intensity. A brisk, auto-regulated workout pace, in and of itself, is an activation technique. So use workout pace to further amp up the nervous system.


Auto-regulation of the workout is the workout. In other words, there's no such thing as an all-encompassing, all-knowing prescriptive workout, one that you do exactly as written. All workouts are simply guidelines and require micro adjustments to make them really work for any specific lifter on any given day.

Based upon a whole host of factors — current physiologic state, how your body's handling the lift, the current state of the nervous system, etc. — you always need to make adjustments to get the most out of a training day.

Just know that the art of auto-regulation has to be learned over time, and we're committed to teaching you the highest level of the art. Unlike a lot of bodybuilding and strength coaches, who are terrified about giving away their "training secrets," we want you to be as good as we are at auto-regulation.


Foo-Foo Gyms

If you belong to one of those foo-foo gyms that won't let you train with advanced techniques because it's noisy and might scare the children, LEAVE! For goodness sakes, go somewhere else. Get your carcass to a real gym where you can not only train with total freedom, but where you're challenged by the very best to be your very best.

The I,BODYBULDER Program is advanced and we're not going to water it down, period. So don't ask those kinds of questions, just get to a real gym. Enough said.

Strong Words of Advice

Listen, maybe this whole thing seems too daunting or difficult; maybe it hurts your brain too much. After all, doing 3 sets of 8, like most ordinary gym rats have been doing since the dawn of time, doesn't take any smarts.

We're asking you to push the envelope a little. Do a little homework. Furrow up your brow and learn this program. An hour of investment up front, followed by a wholehearted training and supplementation effort, will give you the results you were looking for, hoping for, when you first started lifting.

Now, let's see what you're made of.









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