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ZMA New Englesh Articles For YOU

23.12.2011 01:10
Nutritional Formulation


Intense physical training can increase the risk of deficiencies of key minerals and trace elements � namely, zinc and magnesium. These zinc and magnesium losses can have a direct, negative effect on strength and endurance. ZMA™, a novel zinc, magnesium, and Vitamin B6 patented formula is made up of precise forms and amounts to help increase anabolic hormones and strength in athletes. Because of its documented effectiveness for raising testosterone levels, this supplement is used by hundreds of athletes as a safe, natural alternative to pro-hormones.

Other names for ZMA

zinc monomethionine aspartate, magnesium aspartate

Proprietary Information

ZMA� is patent protected.

Where to find ZMA

ZMA is a trademarked nutrient combination that contains the minerals and trace elements zinc monomethionine aspartate, magnesium aspartate, and Vitamin B6 in very specific amounts. All of these nutrients can be found in a number of foods, but the specific combination of type and amounts exists only in the ZMA™ formula.

Zinc can be found naturally in red meat, egg yolks, oysters, pork, turkey, and some wheat-grain products.

Magnesium can be found naturally in bananas, avocados, fish, dairy products, and shrimp.


Why athletes use ZMA

Magnesium is one of the more common nutritional deficiencies among healthy adults, especially women and the elderly. Deficiencies are also very common among weight trainers, due to increased loss of these nutrients during workouts. Zinc and B6 are also depleted during intense exercise, and deficiencies also tend to arise. In fact, in a study with 160 athletes, 23% of the males and 43% of the females had significantly low levels of zinc. The good news: ZMA (a precise combination of these vital nutrients) can counteract these deficiencies and potentially boost overall performance and health as a result.

Ways that ZMA can enhance Muscle Gain & Recovery:

  • Increase anabolic hormone production, such as testosterone, to improve strength and muscle mass
  • Improve muscle relaxation during sleep, which may assist in muscle-tissue recovery

Signs of ZMA deficiency

No deficiency conditions exist for this formula (ZMA) per se; however, our bodies can become deficient of zinc, magnesium, and Vitamin B6 from our less-than-perfect diets or as a result of vigorous physical activity, which also may deplete levels of vital nutrients and cause deficiencies to arise.








02.04.2011 21:41

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